Image Comics Database
Quote1 Within the souls of every Hellspawn, a battle is waged. What scraps of humanity an they hold onto? Quote2

Appearing in this Episode

Featured Characters:

  • Spawn (appears in both flashback and main story)

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Gang Members
    • Frankie
    • Joey
    • Petey

Mr. Ovetti (Only appearance; dies)

  • Major Forsberg (First Appearance) (appears in both flashback and main story)





A man rots in prison.

Spawn is haunted by visions of a horserider. Cogliostro calls out he knows what he's dreaming. He tells him the dead don't dream, it's what he thrives on. He warns spawn his master, Malbolgia, is his master and he must be weary of straying to the dark side. He tells him he can break the curse in the way he has.

Mr. Ovetti welcomes a local gang of boys into his store. Petey suddenly shoots Ovetti in back of the head. He tells him he needs to get noticed. They hop back in the car and take off. Joey starts freaking out feels sick. He gets out of the car and begins puking. Petey orders Frankie to get out of the car and take care of him as he's worrying about him losing his cool. Frankie leads him down an alley with his gun.

Spawn sees lights flickering. Cogliostro tells him a portal is opening and preparing to receive a soul. Spawn jumps in on Frankie and tells him to take off and kill his friend somewhere else. When Frankie attempts to turn on him, Spawn disables him quickly. He tells hims to run free and that he controls the alleys.

When the Peter gets sick of waiting, he turns the corner to see what's taking so long. He shots a bullet at Frankie. The bullet freezes mid-air. Frankie experiences an out of body experience. He tries running from the bullet but keeps running into it every where he turns. Cogliostro tells him the bullet will find him no matter what. Spawn grabs the kid an considers killing him. Cog tells Spawn he always has choices.

He reminds him of his friend, Sykes, who he killed earlier in his life.

Cog tells him that's why he became the Hellspawn. He made a choice to kill at that point.

Snapping back to reality, Frankie grabs Joey and pulls his body in front of his blocking the bullet. He then turns and shoots Joey in the head, casting his own vote for his decisions.

Elsewhere, Jason Wynn stops in to see how Forsberg is doing.


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  • No trivia.

See Also


Character Actor

Recommended Media

  • None.

Links and References

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