Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
- Spike Witwicky (First Appearance)
- Carly (First Appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Sparky Witwicky (First Appearance) (Main story and flashback)
- Davey (First Appearance) (Death)
- Cybertronians
- Autobots (First Appearance)
- Optimus Prime (First Appearance) (Main story and flashback)
- Ratchet (First Appearance)
- Teletraan I (First Appearance)
- Decepticons (First Appearance)
- Starscream (First Appearance)
- Skywarp (First Appearance)
- Soundwave (First Appearance)
- Ravage (First Appearance)
Other Characters:'
- Jimmy Witwicky (First Appearance) (Flashback)
- Danny (First Appearance)
- Jerry (First Appearance)
- Autobots (First Appearance)
- Prowl (First Appearance) (Inactive)
- Bumblebee (First Appearance) (Inactive) (Death)
- Cliffjumper (First Appearance) (Inactive)
- Wheeljack (First Appearance) (Inactive)
- Windcharger (First Appearance) (Inactive)
- Jazz (First Appearance) (Inactive)
- Hound (First Appearance) (Inactive)
- Decepticons (First Appearance)
- Thundercracker (First Appearance) (Inactive)
- Reflector (First Appearance) (Inactive)
- Megatron (Mentioned)
- Earth (First Appearance) (Main story and flashback)
- North America (First Appearance) (Main story and flashback)
- United States of America (First Appearance) (Main story and flashback)
- Farmingham (First Appearance)
- Hanger's Rock (First Appearance)
- Farmingham Quary (First Appearance)
- Farmingham (First Appearance)
- United States of America (First Appearance) (Main story and flashback)
- North America (First Appearance) (Main story and flashback)
- Ion Blaster (First Appearance)
- Energon (First Appearance)
- Matrix of Leadership (First Appearance)
- Null Rays (First Appearance)
- Ark (First Appearance)
Synopsis for 1st story
A drunken Sparky Witwicky has a series of flashbacks before he is snapped out of it by his son, Spike Witwicky, Spike worried about his father asks how long he's been at the bar. Sparkplug attempts to lie until the bartender Danny answers for him much to his annoyance, Sparkplug then notices that Spike has their late family member Jimmy Witwicky's telescope to which Spike explains that he's going to Hanger's Rock to remind him of Jimmy. Sparkplug still saddened by Jimmy's death retorts that it would be better to forget about Jimmy offending Spike who asks if that's how he's gonna live his life. Sparkplug deems the past as nothing but trouble. While they speak, another drunken patron Jerry drunkenly rants about a floating sky box he saw.
Sparkplug's coworker Davey then comes to pick them up for their shift at work, Sparkplug advises Spike grows up stating he will have to eventually. Spike angrily asks if that means becoming like him to which Sparkplug and Davey drive off, Spike then meets up with Carly and the 2 go to Hanger's Rock where they pretend like they're in outer space. As the 2 speak about the future and console one another by their issues they begin to lean in for a kiss only for an earthquake take place causing them to fall into the Ark. Upon venturing inside they see the bodies of giant metallic organisms when Jetfire arrives and begins to revive the other Cybertronians, Starscream is the first to be revived and upon being arrived thanks Jetfire taking his revival as Jetfire choosing the Decepticons before killing Bumblebee to Jetfire's horror.
Jetfire attempts to stop Starscream only to be injured and incapacitated by him, Starscream is saddened by Jetfire's apparent weakness and makes it clear he sees the Autobots as evil. Starscream prepares to kill Jazz until a newly revived Optimus Prime stops him, Spike and Carly attempt to run by only to be spotted by Optimus who is confused by them before guessing they are the natives of the planet. Optimus then protects them from Starscream who continues blasting when Ratchet is revived and fends off Starscream, a newly revived Skywarp attempts to kill Optimus and Ratchet who hide behind a wall. Starscream realizes Teletraan I is reviving them at random and so tells Skywarp to move Soundwave closer for revival, Ratchet knows they can't beat the decepticons and so does Optimus, Optimus realizes his new earthmode has a trailer and orders Ratchet to put all their soldiers in the trailer while he buys them time.
Optimus goes for his Ion Blaster but as he does, Soundwave is revived and attempts to kill him, however it just barely misses and Optimus stumbles upon Bumblebee's corpse and mourns him. Starscream chokes him from behind and mocks him for mourning Bumblebee, Spike reminded of Jimmy from seeing Optimus mourn decides to trust him and gives Optimus his Ion blaster as Soundwave sends Ravage out to attack. Optimus fends off the decepticons and sees that Teletran is about to revive Reflector and Thundercracker and so with no other choice destroys Teletran and escapes with Ratchet and the humans. Ratchet sees the humans and is also confused by their presence so Optimus fills them in, the decepticons follows after them in an attempt to destroy them, Jetfire wakes up and goes after the decepticons and though not wanting to begins to fight off the decepticons only to get blasted causing him to fall nearby.
The decepticons attempt to continue to chase but due to low energy retreat back to the Ark, the autobots then make base at an abandoned quarry Jimmy and Spike used to visit where a dying Jetfire apologizes for not being able to save their world. Optimus attempts to use the Matrix of Leadership on Jetfire but Ratchet advises he doesn't as they need to conserve the Matrix's energy, Jetfire then dies. Meanwhile at then Ark, Soundwave informs Starscream they have insufficient energy to revive their warriors in which everyone tells Starsceam since he has the most amount of energon to gather the energy. At Sparkplug and Davey's place of work, Davey tries to tell Sparkplug he understands them but quickly irritates Sparkplug, only for the 2 to run into Starscream, they try to run away only for Starscream to grab and crush Davey to death.