Image Comics Database

:Quote1What happens now... is up to the great spark Quote2: 'Optimus Prime

Quote1You mean... gods. Don't you fall into that category?

Quote2: 'Sparky Witwicky

Quote1Ha! Because of my size? I could say the same of you, human

Quote2: 'Optimus Prime

Quote1me? I'm nothing like-come on, look at me, compared to you!

Quote2: 'Sparky Witwicky

Quote1True. Small. But still mighty.

Quote2: 'Optimus Prime

Appearing in 1st story

Featured Characters:

  • Optimus Prime
  • Sparky Witwicky

Supporting Characters:

  • Spike Witwicky (Comatose)
  • Autobots
    • Ratchet
    • Cliffjumper
    • Jazz (Reactivated) (Inactive)
  • Carly


  • Decepticons
    • Starscream
    • Skywarp (Death)
    • Soundwave
      • Laserbeak
      • Rumble

Other Characters:

  • Autobots
    • Wheeljack (Inactive)
    • Teletraan I
  • Primus (Mentioned)
  • Cliffjumper's Clan (Mentioned)
  • Decepticons
    • Megatron (Arm) (Inactive)
    • Reflector (Reactivated)



  • Null Rays
  • Optimus Prime's Ion Blaster
  • Matrix of Leadership
  • Megatron's Fusion Cannon (First Appearance)


  • Ark

Synopsis for 1st story

Starscream finds the wounded body of Skywarp, rather than help his fellow decepticon he asks him where Optimus Prime went. Skywarp tells him on the condition that Starscream helps him to which Starscream claims that he will when he gets back and follows after Optimus. Ratchet, meanwhile. tries to repair Wheeljack when Optimus calls him and informs him that Spike has been injured. As Optimus drives away, Sparky attempts to keep a just barely stable Spike alive when they are confronted by Starscream. Optimus gives Carly a chance to get out of the car but she buckles herself in and tells Optimus to get him, Cliffjumper then rams into Starscream knocking him over and allowing Optimus to drive on his face. Ratchet unable to hear Optimus apologizes to Wheeljack before going to get someone else to join the fight.

They arrive at the hospital where they hand Spike over to the hospital staff who immediately get him strapped in. The decepticons then arrive and take down Optimus, Soundwave prepares to execute the autobot leader when Starscream tells him to halt to his confusion. Starscream realizes they are at a hospital and so to make Optimus suffer more before his death, they shoot the hospital and knock out the power. Before they can do anymore damage, Ratchet and Jazz arrive and help during the fight, they manage to defeat Starscream and the others, who outnumbered, now retreat. Unfortunately, despite losing the battle, the decepticons seem to have won the war as shooting the hospital knocked out the generator and if it doesn't get fixed Spike and many others will die. Optimus feeling both guilt and sympathy as he watches Sparky say goodbye to Spike decides to use the Matrix, Ratchet tells him not to but Optimus refuses to see anymore people die.

Using the Matrix he revives all the generators in the hospital and the hospital staff quickly get to work and rush Spike to the ICU. As Sparky watches over a comatose Spike, he watches as a young sick patient asks Optimus to turn into a truck, Optimus despite being a little "worse for wear" does so. Sparky then comes out and asks Optimus if he could perhaps heal Spike all the way, Optimus informs Sparky of the unfortunate news that the Matrix has been drained and now it is up to the great spark. Sparky takes this as Optimus talking about his deity figure which Optimus all but confirms, Sparky asks if Optimus is considered that to which Optimus jokes that just because he is large does not mean he is a deity figure and the same could go for Sparky. Sparky downplays himself but Optimus tells Sparky that he is the mightiest of them all. Meanwhile, at the Ark, Soundwave and Starscream return and briefly argue about Starscream's plans and their energy issues, however out of desperation they kill Skywarp to use for energon.

Later, Ratchet scolds Optimus for using the Matrix on humans of all things, a species Ratchet believes doesn't need to be protected given they accidently opened fire on their own. Optimus reminds Ratchet of how similar their own species are to the humans and that just because the humans are violent doesn't mean they should give up hope. Ratchet reminds Optimus of their own issues and then opens his trailer to reveal something that horrifies Optimus, Ratchet recommends using it, Optimus at first refuses until Ratchet reminds him how badly they need it. Sparky overhears them and tells them he may have a solution to their energy problem, meanwhile Carly and Cliffjumper bond over the loss of their family members in which Cliff reveals Starscream killed his "family" of sorts. As Cliff comforts Carly, Optimus reveals he has replaced his own arm with Megatron's and asks Cliff if he'd like to "go on the offensive".

Back with the decepticons, after using Skywarp's body for fuel, Teletraan I is now operational once more. Starscream and Soundwave prepare to drag their fallen warriors over to it for testing and Reflector beings to get reactivated. Starscream remarks that he plans on being decepticons leader forever, meanwhile the inactive and damaged body of Megatron sits trapped in the ice.

See Also

Links and References

