Image Comics Database
Image Comics Database

Appearing in "A Troll's Tale"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Evangeliste (Only appearance; dies)
  • Katellans (Some Die)
    • Admiral Kh’nn (Only appearance; dies)

Other Characters:

  • Amazons (First Appearance) (Some Die)
    • Corinthia (First Appearance)




Synopsis for "A Troll's Tale"

In a cave on the island of Amazonia, Troll finds the golden gem he has been hired to steal. Removing it releases a giant boulder that rolls through the cave, threatening to crush Troll as he flees. He evades it but drops the gem into a water-filled channel in the rock.  He jumps in after it and swims through to the other end of the channel, surfacing in the bedroom of the Amazon Princess Corinthia.  She screams for her guards, and they chase him outside and onto a cliff.  The cliffside gives away, exposing the channel in a burst of water.  The gem falls out with it, and Troll grabs it just as his pilot Eddie arrives in a biplane.  Troll grabs onto its wing and escapes.  A week later, he delivers the gem to his cantankerous client, the mysterious Jeweler. A few weeks later, Eddie drops off Troll in Antarctica to retrieve another gem.  Troll acquires the gem, evading several elaborate traps along the way only to be held up at gunpoint by a woman named Evangeliste.  She takes the gem by force only to be met by a squad of Katellans who demand they give it to her.  She responds by revealing her true form as a Daemonite and attacks them.  In the melee, Troll grabs the gem, actually an orb of power, and flees.  Evangeliste chases after him, and they fight.  The next morning, Eddie arrives to pick up Troll who has a defeated Evangeliste slung over his shoulder.  They return to the U.S., and Troll delivers the orb to the Jeweler but charges double his fee for the extra difficulty in acquiring it.  Unbeknownst to Troll, the Jeweler is secretly a Daemonite as well. Months later, Alexander Graves meets Troll for dinner and invites him to join Youngblood; Troll accepts.

See Also

Links and References

