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Image Comics Database

Quote1 But as much as this is going to seem to hurt, you'll never be in any true jeopardy. It's more like a bad dream. Try to remember that as you feel your face melt off. Quote2

Appearing in 1st story

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Tommy (Main story and flashback)


Other Characters:

  • Walchuck the homeless Canadian fugitive (First Appearance)




Synopsis for 1st story


Walchuck shows Tommy and Amber a map of occupied Canada

While on a cargo train, Amber and Tommy encounter another homeless fugitive. They tell the man they were headed for Churchill, though the former told them they need to head further up north. The man told them it was the Americans plan since the 20th century where the Americans cooked up a plan known as "War Plan Red" which was made had Canada helped England attacked the United States. The man then told the two they should follow him and catch the next ship to Greenland.

Present day:[]

While searching for McFadden and Les LePage, they spotted blood. Dunn prepared his weapon, though he found Les LePage who told them that the Americans have McFadden.

Ma'am interrogates McFadden and asked how a peace officer became a terrorist. McFadden told Ma'am she's the terrorist and called the American's dumb for not figuring out the metric system. Ma'am asked McFadden if she'd rather be burned alive or drowned, though McFadden said she wouldn't give anything up no matter what. Ma'am told McFadden she could drown her in gasoline then light it on fire. McFadden gladly told Ma'am she'd rather die, though Ma'am told McFadden they aren't really where she thinks she is. Ma'am told McFadden she may feel pain, though her body won't be affected.

At the hideout, Amber, Dunn, and Les LePage return and told the team they should pack whatever they can and leave the hideout. Qabanni told Dunn McFadden would never give their location up, though Dunn told them they shouldn't take the chance. Qabanni told Dunn they'd have to fight for their lives every day if they left, though Dunn told her it was better than being buried 2 km underground. Highway asked Dunn who appointed him leader, though the latter shoved the former. Amber told the team they should vote for a leader, though Dunn didn't like the idea of the new girl to help make decisions. After a team consensus, they decide to stay and fight. Shortly after, their guerrilla worked, thanks to Highway's capacitor. Dunn told the team if they were staying, he rather wait topside.

Ma'am uses a hologram of Victoria's father to torture her

After McFadden even didn't give a false lead after being tortured, Ma'am uses a new torture technique, using a hologram of McFadden's late father. The pain was too much and McFadden gave up her teams location.

Solicit Synopsis

What will torture look like in the future?

See Also

Links and References

