Appearing in "Log One: A Kiss is Just a Kiss!"
Featured Characters:
- Weapon Zero (First Appearance)
- Kikuyo Fujikawa (Joins Team)
- Janus (Joins Team)
- Tyson Stone (Joins Team)
- Jamie Tarleton (Joins Team)
- Valaria (Joins Team)
- T'srri
- Erisha
- Lorelei (Death)
- N'golth
- Seneschal (First appearance; dies)
Synopsis for "Log One: A Kiss is Just a Kiss!"
Stone passes out as Lorelei extracts her armor and powers from him. With the logic module replaced, N’golth orders the gateway to the T’srri universe opened. Seneschal emerges from it accompanied by two guards, and N’golth informs him the local T’srri await his commands. Meanwhile, Janus escapes his shackles, frees Kikuyo, Jamie, and Valaria, and wakes up Stone. One of Seneschal’s guards identifies Lorelei as a Batai, and N’golth triumphantly presents her as a brainwashed T’srri thrall. N’golth proclaims his plan for her to lead Stone and the others as a strike team called Weapon Zero. In turn, they will help the T’srri conquer this universe. Lorelei suddenly senses danger, and Stone announces his presence with an energy blast. Embracing the team name Weapon Zero, he, Kikuyo, Jamie, Janus, and Valaria attack. Armed with Batai armor of his own and realizing she is no longer the woman he married, Stone battles Lorelei. He severs her arm and activates the Batai anti-matter device he found in Mexico. Seneschal deems N’golth a failure for not eliminating Stone and moves to walk back through the gateway. Insulted, N’golth kills Senschal and his guards. Stone teleports Weapon Zero away just before the anti-matter device detonates, killing Lorelei and destroying the T’srri base. The team materializes outside Stone’s New England home, and Stone vows that they will protect Earth from the T’srri and other invaders.