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Image Comics Database

Appearing in "Catacombs"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Church of Gort (First Appearance)
    • Father Marconi
  • Daemonites (Main story and flashback)
  • Kherubim (appears in both flashback and main story)
  • Titanothropes
  • Irene Sweeney (First Appearance)




Synopsis for "Catacombs"

Jeremy Stone is a scientist, and a member of the covert action group known as the WildC.A.T.s, fighting the Daemonites in a covert war on Earth. He and his friends find themselves on the planet Khera, and he has decided to investigate his heritage as one of the Titanothropes.

Just after he steps out, his teammates, Priscilla & Adrianna, find their friend Reno. They have discovered that the WildC.A.T.s's covert war was part of Khera's war against the Daemonites, which ended centuries ago. The Kherans have since indulged in the spoils of their victory, staying neutral in the ensuing Daemonite civil war and taking in Daemonite refugees who they treat as second-class citizens. The three agree to confront their Kherubim frieds as soon as Jeremy gets back.

Elsewhere in the city, Jeremy has gotten lost. However, a map in a pamphlet leads him to Down-Town, the Titanothrope area. He is amazed by the culture of these people, and their architecture. He finds the woman who gave him the map, a social activist name Glingo. She explains that the Titanothropes are the original inhabitant of this world, and the Kherans - "coldeyes" - came here thousands of millions of years ago, ultimately forcing the native Kherans, the Titanothropes, to live in underground reservations, making artisan goods for the Kheran nobles.

She then meets her brother Baxu, a member of a gang that supports the Titan Liberation Army, a native Kheran extremist group who use terrorist tactics. Taking umbrage at Jeremy's interest in Glingo, Baxu challenges him to a fight under native Kheran tribal tradition. Jeremy accepts, only to get severely overpowered. Jeremy tries to win using his growing powers, but Baxu has the same powers. Worse, by using them, Jeremy loses his intelligence. Realizing what that means, Jeremy shrinks down and uses 'bullfighting' tactics to defeat Baxu. Victorious, he is shocked to discover that, by tribal custom, Glingo is now his woman.

Pleasantly shocked, he returns to his friends at Coincidental Mansion, but he finds them in a state of deep depression. He asks them why.

In the cellars of a former foundry, WildC.A.T.s are set to attack the funeral of H.A.R.M., the supervillain they accidentally killed. They are surprised to find the rumored Cyborg's Graveyard, and the Church of Gort, the shadowy cult that maintains it. Listening in, they hear the eulogy of H.A.R.M., formerly Charles Sweeney of Cleveland, Ohio, a divorcé who pursued his dream of becoming a badass cyborg. His teammates in the villain team the Troika are surprised to find the H.A.R.M. had a life before joining them, as he never talked about himself.

Suddenly, the WildC.A.T.s break trough the floor and begin attacking the villains present. The Troika move to protect Irene, H.A.R.M.'s ex-wife, but they are defeated by TAO, who discovers that in a cyborg funeral, the body of the deceased is melted down and drop-poured to form the grave markers in the catacombs. Catching Slag in this molten metal, the team captures the other villains.

The team is ready to ready to declare victory, but one of the villains, a former IRA man named Deathtrap, underlines the amorality of what they just did: shooting a man and then attacking the funeral was a tactic from the bad old days in Belfast; by using these tactics against supervillains, the heroes have started a superhuman street fight that could kill them all...


  • This issue includes a pin-up of Voodoo by Travis Charest and Troy Hubbs.
  • This issue is reprinted in:
    • WildC.A.T.s: Homecoming trade paperback (1999);
    • Alan Moore's Complete WildC.A.T.s trade paperback (2007).


See Also

Links and References

