Image Comics Database
Image Comics Database

Appearing in "Belling The Cat"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:





Synopsis for "Belling The Cat"

Zealot performs emergency surgery on Savant while the other WildC.A.T.s and Fuji split up to search the Halo building for TAO.  Fuji soon finds him, but TAO manipulates his mind and gets away.  Elsewhere, Maul and Warblade battle Attica and Slag who have been freed from Halo’s containment block.  Spartan joins the fight, but the two mercenaries bust out onto the streets and escape.  The team regroups and finds Fuji nearly catatonic.  Void teleports him away for treatment as the others wonder how to defeat TAO.  TAO finds Ladytron waiting for him in the hangar. He gets away from her by disabling a cooling unit in her cybernetic body, paralyzing her.  The rest of the team soon finds her and deduces that the cooling unit was for the small nuclear reactor that powers her.  Without the coolant, the reactor is building toward a meltdown.


  • This issue is reprinted in:
    • WildC.A.T.s: Gang War trade paperback (1999);
    • Alan Moore's Complete WildC.A.T.s trade paperback (2007).

See Also

Links and References

