Appearing in "Taking Leave, Part 2"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Crusade (appears in both flashback and main story)
Other Characters:
- Holy Order of Crusade (Main story and flashback)
Synopsis for "Taking Leave, Part 2"
Savant studies Crusade as the WildC.A.T.s and Union fight him. He enjoys the conflict, becoming more excited the more they attack him. Finally, Savant exploits his anti-Kherubim prejudice and superhuman intuition for languages by speaking the Kheran words for duty, honor, justice, and sacrifice. This causes Crusade such cognitive dissonance that he passes out. Zealot wants to execute him, but Majestic stops her, and she lashes out at him. Savant leaves to deal with the reporters outside, speaking in Void’s defense. Inside, Crusade comes to and recalls his training by the Holy Order of Crusade, subsequent return to Earth, and initial encounter with Union. He wants to resume fighting so Void teleports him away, stranding him in Antarctica. Grifter questions Savant’s tactics. Enraged, she quits the team. Later, Zealot asks Majestic to follow Savant and watch over her. He leaves and visits the Church of Gort where Ladytron shows him her rebuilt legs.
- Savant and Mr. Majestic's storyline continues in Savant Garde #1.