Image Comics Database
Image Comics Database

Appearing in "Down Time"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Down Time"

The members of the WildC.A.T.s enjoy some downtime. Zealot and Grifter spend time in a bar, playing pool and getting into fights. Soon, Grifter is summoned and leaves Zealot behind, telling him that it's a personal matter he has to attend to. Warblade and Maul visit an art gallery and meet some girls. Voodoo and Spartan enjoy a vacation on a cruise ship along with Emp. The ship sails into the Bermuda Triangle and gets sucked into a vortex. Void is able to sense that Lord Emp is in trouble and summons her fellow teammates to investigate. Meanwhile, Spartan, Voodoo, and Lord Emp are met by Lord Entropy, someone from Lord Emp's past though he has no recollection of it.

Appearing in "Passed Lives"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Devin (Death)

Other Characters:

  • Tina



  • Coda Clef Blade

Synopsis for "Passed Lives"

Voodoo goes back to dancing and is attacked by Devin, the Coda assassin that tried to capture her and was caught in an explosion.[1] Voodoo is able to defend herself, and Devin dies on her own blade. Upon returning to the team, Voodoo debuts her new costume, reflecting her new life.


  • This issue is reprinted in the Absolute WildC.A.T.s by Jim Lee hardcover published in 2018.
  • "Passed Lives" takes place after WildC.A.T.s Trilogy #1.


See Also

Links and References

