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Image Comics Database

Wildstorm: Revelations #4 is an issue of the series Wildstorm: Revelations with a cover date of April, 2008.

Quote1 But if the forces I'm talking about could make an entire generation of heroes and villains vanish from the face of the Earth, what do you think they would do to you and your friends to preserve this secret? Quote2
Marc Slayton

Appearing in "Generation Gap"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Nemesis Swords


Synopsis for "Generation Gap"

Jodi prepares to meet with her father, Marc Slayton, the original Backlash and the current director of International Operations. The meeting is a ploy to capture her father and bring him back for questioning without having I.O. foot-soldiers around.

As Jodi keeps watch over her father, Nemesis uses Marc's I.D. to infiltrate Department P.S.I. which is now a part of Internal Operations. Savant on the other hand, has taken Marc's cybernetic leg which has a tracking device in it and leads the Psi-Lancers (a strike force from Department P.S.I.) on a merry teleporting race around the world. Nemesis learns of a project called Number of the Beast. After her global teleporting trek Savant returns to Department P.S.I., leaves Marc's leg with some of the agents, and teleports herself and Nemesis to safety.

They find that Marc escaped after revealing to Jodi that he chose to stay captured to find out what was going on but not before warning his daughter about Nemesis. As the girls gather on the roof to discuss their findings, Grifter and Zealot of the Wildcats show up.


See Also

Links and References

