Image Comics Database
Image Comics Database
Race Template

Information-silk Name
Information-silk Aliases
Walkers; Roamers; Undead
Information-silk Affiliation
Information-silk Body Type
Information-silk Average Height
Information-silk Average Weight
Information-silk Hair
Information-silk Skin
First appearance


Zombies are reanimated corpses usually portrayed in horror or post-apocalyptic stories, and in some cases even comedy. Their origins can vary, from an alien virus, a biological weapon, magic spells, but all resulting the dead rising from their graves. In some media, they are shown keeping the same personalities they had when they where alive, but they are commonly represented as mindless corps who roam around with the goal of eating meat and/or brains.

Versions of Zombies in Image Comics

The Walking Dead

In Robert Kirkman's post-apocalyptic horror comic book series, zombies are presented as mindless undead corpses that in a matter of weeks managed to destroy human civilization all around the world. The origin of what caused these zombies to rise is not specified, but it is revealed that every living person is infected with a virus that, no matter how they die, they reanimate as one of them, as long as their brain is intact. A bite from one of them causes an infection that accelerates the dead of the victim, causing fever, nausea, and ultimately, death. The process can varies, some being turned into a zombie in a matter of hours and some taking longer to be killed by the infection.

These zombies can remain "alive" even after receiving countless gun shots, being cut in half, or even getting their head severed. The only way to kill them is to damage the brain. Some characters use them as defense, like Michonne, who kept two armless and jawless zombies chained close to her to prevent other undead from getting close to her. Another case are the Saviors, who kept some of these monsters chained outside of their base to avoid unwanted guests. The Whisperers also adopted the habit of living among them, using their skins and faces as disguises and masks and, as their name suggests, whispering between them to avoid calling attention.

Zombies don't have a mind of its own, but they respond to the primal instinct of eating meat, usually attracted to sound. Walking toward the source of a noise, a zombie could stumble into another one, which will get up and follow the first, and meeting more, repeating the pattern until it turns into a massive herd, or swarm, marching aimlessly. In other cases, these undead can stay in a same place, waiting for a person to get near their reach.

Powers and Abilities


None known.


  • Immortality: as long as their brains are unharmed, zombies can "survive" a lot of damage to their body and keep moving towards their objective.

Average Strength level



  • Headshots: damage to the brain causes the zombie to die permanently.
  • Cold: the blood in their bodies doesn't flow through their veins, so excessive cold can slow or even freeze them.
  • Diminished Intellect: Zombies don't usually have a mind of their own, generally following their primal instinct of eating meat.


Habitat: Habitat of this race is unknown.
Gravity: Gravity of this race is unknown.
Atmosphere: Atmosphere of this race is unknown.
Population: Population of this race is unknown.


Type of Government: Government type unknown.
Level of Technology: Technology level unknown.
Cultural Traits: Cultural traits unknown.
Representatives: No Known representatives.

See Also

Links and References

  • None.